Zvonimir Krajcer MD

Co-Director of Peripheral Vascular Program
Baylor College of Medicine and
The University of Texas Health Science Center
Clinical Professor in Medicine
Texas Heart Institute at St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital
Houston, Texas

Date/Session NumberTimeRoleTopic
3/20/2023 Session 31000-1200PanelistX
3/20/2023 Session 31421 – 1429PresenterLarge Bore Access Closure: Technical Tidbits and New Horizons
3/21/2023 Session 51330-1432PanelistX
3/21/2023 Session 71330-1432PanelistX

  1. SharePoint Link to Upload Presentation: https://pulseoblasc.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/TED2023/EtTg8MlcMENNsgWHmFDRvCkBbqLPfnpv0tH_oEDbaWKHgw?e=B7tvFU
  2. Please Sign the 2023 HonorHealth CME Disclosure: https://honorhealth.surveymonkey.com/r/disclose2023